

HI! I'm Dr. Stephanie Diamond, licensed psychologist and women’s empowerment guru. I have 20+ years of clinical experience guiding women to envision and claim their best lives. I help people find truth, insight, and clarity, and connect to their unique personal power. My passion for this work is also personal: I have had to harness my own personal power and reroute my life on more than one occasion.

There was a point in my life, 10 years ago, where, on the outside, I had it all going for me. An amazing career, living in Miami, newly married…and with a doctorate in psychology. Parts of my life were going great. At work, I was incredibly successful, and I was helping hundreds of women to heal . But, ironically, my personal life was in a nosedive. I wanted change but I couldn’t get unstuck from patterns that were limiting me—and frankly, destroying me. So please don’t hate on yourself if you’re not able to free yourself yet. I had a Ph.D. in psychology for F*#@’s sake, and for a long time, I couldn’t figure out how to sort myself out! Until I did.

I took the lessons I’d learned over the countless years of my own personal therapy, my extensive formal training and expertise, and all the experience I had helping other women transcend their blocks, and I finally applied it. To myself. And I pulled my life up from that nosedive. I am now living a life I only dreamed of. And you can, too.

I'm known for my capacity to deeply connect with those I work with, and to intuit and understand their core conflicts quickly. I’m also known for my direct-yet-warm communication style, and my special talent for balancing support with challenge—like, I’ll call you out, but somehow, you will love me for it. Or at least you won’t hate me!

My clients tend to be people who are stuck in patterns/relationships/ways of thinking that are holding them back, and they are afraid to change, don't know how, or are unconsciously perpetuating patterns. I have an uncanny knack for seeing people’s full potential and helping them see it too, so that they can evolve into that version of themselves. This is my gift.

I’m married to a cheeky Brit, and I’m a mom to two powerful (obviously!) toddler daughters.