
Managing Fear


Spring and change go together like peanut butter and jam. So, let's talk about what happens when you start to really consider big change...Yep, you probably slam right into the wall of fear. We've all been there. Here are some pro tips to make sure that fear doesn't stand between you and the life you really want.

5 Ways to Manage Fear

Here are my top 5 ways to get back in the driver's seat when fear is trying to take over:

  1. Focus on what you want, instead of focusing on the fear.
    What we focus on expands, so think about what you want and let that energy grow. Don't feed the fear with your attention.

  2. Don't wait for fear to subside, because it won't.
    You will have to make this decision while holding hands with fear.

  3. Get out of your head!
    Seriously, stop thinking, and start acting. We can stay in the realm of ideas forever. Don't let that happen to you!

  4. Practice courage.
    You know you are braver than you think right? Don't believe me?
    List all the times you did something that you were scared of, and also write down the outcome. You've done brave things, and it's been alright. Sometimes it's even been amazing. You can do more brave things.

  5. Use fear to your advantage.
    Think of what would happen if you don't face your fears, if you let yourself stay stuck like this. What would that mean for your life?
    Let that scare you a bit. That's good fear. It will get you into action!

Stephanie Diamond